Monday 3 October 2011

VARK Questionnaire

I recently took a questionnaire regarding learning styles which on observation of my results I was able to obtain whether I was a visual, audible, reading, kinetic learner or a mixture of a few. Audible is learning by listening and speaking; visual is learning by looking at pictures and diagrams; reading and writing or repeatedly copying and kinetic refers to more pratical tasks and demonstrations. Then by looking at this information I can begin to enhance the learning styles which I may not be as well practiced in. The results I got from the questionnaire are as follows:

V: 4
A: 4
R: 0
K: 8

I would agree completely with the outcome however, I was surprised at how much more I learn by practical tasks and how little I learn by reading and writing. Although I am quite comfortable and capable with all four types of learning I don't feel this came across in the questionnaire as due to my nature, and slightly short attention span; I occasionally find it hard to concentrate by reading and writing so these are not my preferred methods.

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